Glossary of MiEHDWIS terms

Glossary of MiEHDWIS terms

This glossary of terms will be updated periodically, but please keep in mind this is a working document and may be out of date, but the general ideas will still be relevant.


Main Navigation

Menu Bar 


The Dashboard is a place where you can view lists and counts for Saved Searches. This could include a list of All Active CWS in District 2, a count of All Active CWS, or even Open Tasks assigned to a specific person (yourself!). By using the Edit Dashboard Gear icon, you can add and remove Saved Searches from your Dashboard. 

How do I manage my dashboard and add a saved search?

Entity Search 

Use the Entity Search Fields and Search Operators to narrow down a search for a specific Campground, Septage Hauler, Septage Waste Receiving Facility, Community Water Supply, or Onsite Wastewater Management Entity in MiEHDWIS. Search Fields depend upon Entity Type, but they may include Name, Entity ID, County, Status, Public Water Supply ID, and more. 

How do I search for entities (program areas)?

Activity Search 

Use the Activity Search Fields and Search Operators to narrow down a search for a specific Activity on a Campground, Septage Hauler, Septage Waste Receiving Facility, Community Water Supply, and/or Onsite Wastewater Management Entity. Search Fields could include Activity Status, Activity Name, Activity Type, Entity Type, Assigned To, among other Search Fields dependent upon Entity Type. 

How do I create work a list from an activity search?

How do I bulk transition several activities to a different status?

How do I bulk download generated documents on activities?

Task Search 

Use the Task Search Fields and Search Operators to narrow down a search for a specific Task on a Campground, Septage Hauler, Septage Waste Receiving Facility, Community Water Supply, and/or Onsite Wastewater Management Entity. Search Fields could include Activity Status, Entity Type, Assigned To, Due Date, among other Search Fields dependent upon Entity Type. 

Contact Search 

Use the Contact Search Fields and Search Operators to narrow down a search for a specific Contact in MiEHDWIS. Search Fields could include First Name, Last Name, Organization Name, Contact Address, Entity Type, Contact Role, among other Search Fields. 

How are contacts managed?

Submission Queue 

The Submission Queue is where a MiEHDWIS internal SOM user can find all submissions created through the external Customer Portal. These submissions can be filtered by Linked/Unlinked to an Entity and by an Entity Type. From here, a MiEHDWIS user can link unlinked submissions to a specific Entity. 

How do I move an unlinked activity on the Submission Queue to an entity?

Power BI Reporting

The Power BI Reporting tab is for embedded Power BI reports.


The Reports tab is where canned reports will be stored in MiEHDWIS.  

How do I view and run reports or request that a new one be created?


Please note, with Release 16 Spotlight has moved from the main navigation menu to nest under Community Water Supply in the Program Areas menu.

The Spotlight is a place where one can filter and find lists of Priority Surveys, Open Deficiencies, Open Violations, Tier 1/2 Violations without Public Notice, and Open Compliance Schedules. This should be used as a supplement to SDWIS. It does not replace SDWIS. 

How do I use the Spotlight?

User Profile

Clicking on your User Name at the top will allow you to either view your User Profile or Logout of MiEHDWIS. Your User Profile has your name, email address, preferences, workgroups, and contact information. 

How do I update my user profile?


The Notifications bell icon shows all notifications that you receive in the system. You are able to clear and delete notifications, as needed.  

How do I choose my notification method?

Entity Overview 


An Entity is the regulated establishment that you perform your work on. This can include a Community Water Supply (Alpena Township, City of Wixom, etc…) or a Campground, Septage Hauler, Septage Waste Receiving Facility, or Local Health Department (for Onsite Wastewater Management). 


An Activity is a single instance of a workflow (Inspection, Permit, License, Bacti Result). Activities can be assigned to a single person or a workgroup and can be transitioned between workflow steps. The Portal Collaboration tab will be used by Internal DWEHD users to communicate about a specific Activity to external users. 

Object Drawer 

The Object Drawer is located on the right-hand side of the screen when you are on an Entity.  


Notes can be created on the Entity Overview, on a specific Activity, on a specific File, or on a specific Generated Document. Notes can be exported and filtered. 


Tasks can be created on the Entity Overview, on a specific Activity, on a specific File, or on a specific Generated Document. Tasks can be exported and filtered. Think of Tasks as a to-do list. Tasks can be assigned to a specific person. 


All files submitted to the Entity or uploaded by the internal DWEHD user are found in the Files drawer. 

Generated Documents 

If there is a Template in MiEHDWIS, from the Generated Documents drawer, you are able to create a document/letter based on that template specific to that Entity. These templates work like Word mail merge. 

How do I edit a generated document?


The Contacts drawer is where you are able to link Contacts and Contributors to the Entity. 

How are contacts managed?


From the Links drawer, a user is able to link an Entity to multiple other Entities.  

How do I link activities together?


The Financials drawer is where you can find fees and invoicing information.  


Actions is the place to find the Audit History of everything that has been done on an Entity. 

Customer Portal 

The Customer Portal is the place where an External user can submit an Activity in MiEHDWIS. Internal DWEHD users can view and work on that Request using the Portal Collaboration tab on an Activity. 

My Work – Customer Portal 

My Work is the External user’s home page when they log into MiEHDWIS. This shows a list of all activities submitted by them and assigned to them. 


External users can create and submit activities to DWEHD. Activities will vary based on the Entity Type. When an Entity Type is chosen, the external user is then able to narrow down to a Category and/or Type. After choosing a Request Category/Type, the external user will then have the ability to create this activity for a specific Entity by selecting an Entity Name or ID. 

Status Card 

The Status Card shows the status of the activity and the ability for the external user to transition the activity to a different workflow step, if applicable. At times, the status of a activity may depend upon any complete/incomplete tasks. 


Tasks are shown and may be pre-populated based upon a workflow or added to the activity by an Internal DWEHD user. Tasks can then be completed by the external user. An example of a task is for an external user to complete the Sample Site Plan form with a button allowing them to then fill out the form.  


External users can submit attachment documents to their activity.  


External and internal DWEHD users can communicate back and forth through the Messages feature. This may be subject to FOIA. 


Similar to the Actions drawer, this is the place to find a simpler Audit History on the activity. 

Portal Collaboration 

The Portal Collaboration is the Customer Portal view for the internal DWEHD user. 



Local Health Departments

The Local Health Department tab contain a filterable list of the different health department names, agency type, office count and status. The Local Health Department names, link to the department overview page.

Local Health Department Overview

Internal users can find Local Health Department information on the overview page. These pages contain an address, website, phone number, email address and a linkable list of the office department offices. This information can be edited on the details page. The office tab will provide a list of offices in that health department. The office names are linked to the LHD office overview page.

LHD Offices

The Local Health Department Office tab contain a filterable list of the different office names, county codes, Local Health Department name, number of contacts and status. The office names link to the Office overview page.

LHD Office Overview

The LDH Office overview page provides information regarding a specific office, including office address, phone number and email. Along with information regarding the Local Health Department, including that address, website, phone and emails. There is also a LHD offices card, that provides links to other offices in the same Department. This information can be edited on the details tab.

The LHD Office Contacts tab contains a filterable list of all individuals listed under that office.

System Administration 

System Admin Tools 

The Maintenance, Operations, and Security tabs may not be visible to every MiEHDWIS user. These are tabs specifically for MiEHDWIS System and Program Area Administrators. These tabs are for approving MiEHDWIS users, updating letter templates, creating forms, and other Administrator-related tasks. 


Audit History 

Audit History is the area where all audit trails are located, along with specific details.  

Static Content Areas 

There are specific places in the system where words can be updated and changed, as needed without development time. Examples of these include the banner at the top of the system, help text, and the Customer Portal Message disclaimer. These are updated by System Administrators. 

How do I edit static content?

Entity Configuration 

Activity Types, Fee Templates, File Types, and Workflow Templates are all updated and managed under Entity Configuration.  

How do I add a function to a workflow?

Workflow Components - Tips and Definitions

How do I turn on the PDF Review function in a workflow?

Form Designer 

This is the place where new forms are created using the Forms Designer tool. 

Lookup Type/Code 

Lookup Types and Codes are updated and managed in this area. Lookup Types and Codes are lists throughout the system that can be updated and managed without development time. Examples of these include Activity Statuses and Counties. 

MiCaRS Queue 

The MiCaRS Queue is the place where we find all transactions to and from MiCaRS. This is a process that occurs every few minutes. 

Saved Searches 

The Saved Searches tab is a list of all Saved Searches by every MiEHDWIS user, including information about who they are shared with, how many people have the Saved Search on their Dashboard, and the Saved Search Description. 

Sync Invoice 

The Sync Invoice tab is where an Administrator would sync an invoice with MiCaRS, using the MiCaRS Invoice Number. 


Templates can be uploaded, managed, and updated in this area. This is similar to the mail merge feature in Microsoft Word. 

How do I edit a template?

Workflow Components

The Workflow Components tab contains a working list of all the workflow component currently in MiEHDWIS. This list also includes what type the workflow component is, a description of the component, how many times it’s in use, and where it is active or inactive.



The Run Process tool is used by Administrators. Examples of automated processes that need to be run include Create License Renewal Activities for Campgrounds and Expire Septage Hauler Licenses. Rather than ‘Expiring’ a Septage Hauler Licenses one by one, the process does every single Expiration (based on status information) all at once. 

Download Queue 

The Download Queue is where the Run Process puts the spreadsheet, bulk PDF, or other documentation from the previously Run Process. 



Users are individual people in MiEHDWIS. These users are approved by Administrators. 

How do I approve or deny a MiLogin for Business (formerly Third Party) account request?

How do I process Local Health Department (LHD) new user requests in MiEHDWIS?


Workgroups include a group of users. This can be a group of one user (yourself) or a group of multiple users. Every MiEHDWIS user is part of at least one Workgroup, your own personal Workgroup. An example of this includes CWS – Central and Field Staff, which is exactly what it sounds like: a workgroup of 91 users made up of Central and Field Staff. Activities and tasks are assigned to Workgroups.  


Groups provide a collection of roles. Users are added to Groups based on the Roles that they need to complete their work in MiEHDWIS. An example of a Group is the DWEHD View Only group, which allows users in this group to only view specific things in MiEHDWIS, not edit anything. 


These are the permissions that you are allowed to do in MiEHDWIS. They can be added/removed by an Administrator. 


Latest update: 11/12/2024


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