Workflow Components - Tips and Definitions

Workflow Components - Tips and Definitions

A list of workflow Functions/Conditions/Triggers/Advanced Properties/Data Prompts and the workflows that use them may be found in EDDY on the Maintenance > Workflow Components page.

Workflow Functions

Create New Activity https://kunzleigh.atlassian.net/browse/WATER-5294

This function may be added to either a transition, or a step (any type of step)

  1. Pick an active Activity Types filtered by program as appropriate for the workflow. An activity must have a workflow defined in order to be active.

  2. IF an Activity Type has Activity Type Modifiers defined for it, then the dropdown will be available (and in most cases, SHOULD be filled).

  3. Calendar Year Offset expects a number. 0 for current year, -1 for last year, 1 for next year, etc.

  4. Activity Name When left blank, the newly created activity will be named Calendar Year Offset + Activity Name + Activity Modifier (if one specified).  For example, if the offset is -1 (and the current year is 2023), the activity type set to be created is Campground Inspection, and the modifier was Follow-Up, the name will be 2022 Campground Inspection Follow-Up.  If for some reason the activity type or modifier combined together with the year are more than 100 characters, chop from the right.

  5. Activity Description is hard-coded (up to 1000 characters), so any text you add here will be on the Description of every Activity that is created. If there’s a set of boilerplate language you’d like to create, you can always add this function on multiple transitions and let the user choose.

  6. Link denotes a "the current activity will be a [parent/child] to the new activity" relationship. So, if I configure this function to create a new activity and set the Link field to be a Child, then this reads, "create a new activity and make the activity I am triggering it from (the current activity) the child of the new activity." The misnomer with the configuration for this function is that all fields except for the Link field define the new activity's information, where the Link field denotes the current activity's relationship to the new activity. So, if you wanted the existing activity to be the parent of the new activity, then you would specify Parent in the Link field and vice versa.

New activities created by this function are visible to internal users regardless of whether or not they are internally or externally sourced. It is possible to see Draft activities due to their creation via workflow function. But it is not possible to view Pre-Submitted files even if they are on a visible activity.

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