How do I submit a construction permit for community water supplies?

How do I submit a construction permit for community water supplies?

This page includes instructions on how to submit a construction permit. If you have additional questions, please visit the construction permit frequently asked questions page.

With the implementation of MiEHDWIS, Act 399 construction permits are now being received and reviewed electronically. For permit applications to be officially recognized, they must be received through MiEHDWIS. This document will outline the general process of completing a permit application and receiving a permit with MiEHDWIS.

Submitting an Application

  1. Login to your MiEHDWIS account with MiLogin for Business. If you don’t yet have an account or forgot your information, use the following resources:

    1. MiEHDWIS Help Desk

    2. How do I get a MiEHDWIS account?

  2. Select Create Activity in the far-left column. Your window will change to create a new work item. Complete the dropdown options so that it says Community Water Supply for Entity Type, Construction Permits for Request Category, Construction Permit for Type, and select the water system applying for the permit for Entity. Click Create when all fields are correct.

  3. A new activity will be created, and you will be taken to the overview for that activity. This page will provide you with some instructions and information about the activity. At this point, everything is in a Draft status. You will need to select Start Form under Tasks to begin the application. You can also hit Withdraw at any point while the activity is a draft to end the application if there are any mistakes or the system no longer wishes to pursue a permit.

  4. Clicking Start Form will bring up the construction permit application. This is a dynamic form that we pull information from and will have some fields already filled out for the system. Please review these fields and fill out any blank ones as accurately as possible for your intended project. As a dynamic form, you can also come back and make edits to this form instead of having to start all over. You can hit Cancel to exit the application. You can use Save Draft at the bottom to save your progress and come back to the application later. You can hit Submit to finalize the application.

    1. You can find support materials for making an application at:

      1. FAQs

      2. Permitting Webpage

      3. Completing Application Form Guidance

    2. If no Certifier has been assigned for the system, you will not be able to complete the application form.

  5. Once the application is finalized, you can now upload plans, specifications, and any other relevant documents to the Attachments. You will also see the permit application here. Once you have finished uploading documents you will need to mark your tasks as complete.

  6. At the top of the overview page, you can now select the option Proceed to Certification. A window will pop up to confirm the action. The activity status will change from Draft to Pending Certification. This will prepare the permit package for a final review before submission to EGLE. Only a Certifier for the system may perform this next step.

  7. When ready, the Certifier should mark their review tasks as complete. To do so, you will need to click on the Review Form button in the tasks. This will take you to the permit application where you can review the completed document and either confirm its accuracy or make changes. Once the application has been certified, the Certifier can now select Submit to EGLE to officially submit the application package.

  8. A confirmation will appear when you select Submit to EGLE, and then you will be asked to complete an attestation and enter a PIN sent to your account for verification. This is to confirm only those with Certifier privileges are advancing the activity and maintains CROMERR compliance. A Copy of Record will be generated with this attestation. The activity status will change from Pending Certification to Application Review. It is now under review by EGLE staff.

    1. You will need to maintain current contact information in your profile for the verification process. The PIN is sent to whichever preferred method you have entered. You may need to view the guidance documentation on PINs.


Application Under Review

  1. The activity status will automatically update as EGLE staff progress through their review. The status at the top will reflect the most recently completed step. Some of the typical statuses you may see include Administratively Complete, More Information Needed, Information Provided, Plan Review, Process Permit, and Active.

  2. You can use the Messages section to communicate with EGLE staff. Any correspondence will be timestamped and recorded. These messages are also unique just to the activity you are in. Any new messages will also send a notification to any users associated with the activity.

  3. While under review by EGLE staff, you will not be able to make any changes to the application or attached files. This can only happen once EGLE staff requests revisions.

Revisions Requested

  1. If EGLE staff determine that more information is needed or changes need to be made during their review, they will transition the activity to Request Revisions. You will receive a notification, and the activity status will change to More Information Needed. You should receive some correspondence from EGLE staff explaining what they would like you to do.

Be sure to check the PDF Review card in the lower right-hand corner of your page. There might be comments and feedback within those documents. To learn more visit How do I use PDF Review?

  1. In the Revisions Requested state, you are now free to make edits to the activity again. The application document can be accessed with the Review Form button in the tasks, and files can be added or changed in the Attachments.

  2. Once the comments from EGLE staff have been addressed, the tasks for the Certifier should be marked as complete if they haven’t already been. This will allow the Certifier to either Resubmit or Withdraw the permit application. Resubmit will send it back to EGLE, and Withdraw will end the permit application. Once resubmitted, the status will change to Information Provided. It will once again begin changing as it tracks the progress of EGLE’s review.

  3. It is possible that revisions may be requested multiple times during a permit review. Each time should be responded to accordingly. It is also possible that revisions are not requested at all, and the original submission is accepted. Either way, the permit will eventually be approved once deemed acceptable by the reviewing EGLE staff.

Permit Approval

  1. Once EGLE staff determine the application is suitable for approval, the activity will be transitioned to process the permit. This step will generate the permit document. This generated document will be accessible in the Attachments and will include the project name, water system information, permit number, dates of approval and expiration, any conditions that may have been placed on the permit, and information of all infrastructure that has been permitted for construction.

  2. EGLE staff will also place the approved versions of any relevant documents such as project plans or specifications that were part of the permit package in the Attachments. These approved versions are identified by a stamp bearing the EGLE logo, a permit number and approval date which should match those seen on the permit document, and a digital signature from the approving staff.

Active Permits

  1. The permit activity will now have a status of Active. This status will remain for as long as the permit is open and valid. You are free to access the copies of all the files in the Attachments and make use of the Messages. Should the expiration date be reached the status will automatically be updated to indicate it has become Closed/Expired.

  2. You will also have the ability to request an extension for the permit. To do so, you can click the Request Extension button in the status window. This will send a review request to EGLE staff to extend the project. The new deadline will be 2 years from the extension approval date. Requests must be made prior to the permit expiring. If the request is approved, the activity status will be updated to say Active – Extended.

Still need help? Submit a ticket to the MiEHDWIS Help Desk and someone from our team will get back with you.

If you need this information in an alternate format, please contact EGLE-MiEHDWIS@Michigan.gov.

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