How do I submit a Bacteriological Sampling Plan?

How do I submit a Bacteriological Sampling Plan?

  1. On the left main navigation bar under Dashboard, click Create Activity.

    Create Activity.png
  2. Create a new activity.

    1. Click the dropdown for Entity Type and select Community Water Supply

    2. Click the dropdown for Category and select Sampling Plans.

    3. Click the dropdown for Activity Type and select Bacteriological sampling Plan.

    4. Input the community water supply that you work for, either by searching for the water supply by name or by the last 5 digits of the Public Water Supply ID (PWSID, previously called WSSN, Example: 04312).

  3. Click the Create button.

  4. When the Bacteriological Sampling Plan Submission page appears, click Start Form under the Tasks section.

  5. When the form appears, review the auto-populated data for accuracy. If incorrect, contact your district analyst (listed in the form).

  6. Scroll down to the Distribution Sample Sites table and click + Add Sample Site.

  7. A new area of the form will open and allow you to enter routine and repeat sample site information. Click Save.

  8. To add additional sample sites, click the + Add Sample Site button again and repeat until all distribution sites are entered.

  9. Groundwater systems need to list all the source sample sites in the Source Sample Sites and Other Non-Distribution Sites table by clicking the + Add Source button.

  10. The form will open and allow you to type out the source sample site information. Click Save.

  11. To add additional groundwater source sites, click the + Add Source button again and repeat until all source sites are entered.

  12. You can enter general comments in the line below the source table.

  13. Scroll down more and enter Laboratory Contact information and Public Advisory, Education, and Notification information.

  14. Enter Other Distribution Methods (optional).

  15. Then, click Complete.

  16. The addresses entered for the Distribution Sample Sites, Source Sample Sites and Laboratory Contact address need to be validated. The Entered Address will be listed above the Recommended Address. If there is no Recommended Address that section will be blank. Select the Check Box next to the correct address.

As of Release 16, address validation will help EGLE use GIS systems to locate Sampling Sites. Please note, you may need to scroll down to confirm all entered addresses.

  1. Then Select Continue.

  2. If you have any maps or any other associated documents, please use the Upload Attachment button to upload the documents before clicking Proceed to Certification.

  3. The form must be certified before it gets sent to EGLE. On the Activity overview page, click Proceed to Certification.

  4. The Certifier must review the form before certifying. Click Review Form. The form will appear; review and revise if needed and click Submit at the bottom of the form.

  5. When the Certifier Task is checked off, the Submit to EGLE button will appear. Click Submit to EGLE.

  6. Once Submit To EGLE has been selected, the Certifier will need to complete the Submission Attestation.
    After checking the box next to Submission Attestation, the Certifier will need to enter their 4 digit Security Pin. Then Select Submit To EGLE.

Attestation Example

For more information about your Security Pin please review How do I submit my activity using the PIN.
For information on Pin Notifications please review How do I choose my notification method?

  1. When the status changes to In Review, you will know your submittal made it to EGLE.

  2. While in the In Review status, you can still download a copy of the form from the Attachments card. You will be notified when EGLE’s review is complete and/or if more information or revisions are needed.

Still need help? Submit a ticket to the MiEHDWIS Help Desk and someone from our team will get back with you.

If you need this information in an alternate format, please contact EGLE-MiEHDWIS@Michigan.gov.

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