How do I use PDF Review?

How do I use PDF Review?

There may be times when you need to review or respond to feedback that is left for you by EGLE in the PDF Review card on your submitted activity. The information below will instruct you on how to interact with the PDF Review card.


Ext PDF Review.mp4
  1. From the User Dashboard, navigate to the activity that needs more information.

    1. Activities that need attention have a needs attention symbol next to them in the Open Activities card. Alternatively, you can review the Open Tasks card for Tasks that show more information or revisions are needed.

  2. After selecting the activity, the activity’s page will appear. Be sure to check the Open Task card, Messages card, and EGLE Attachments card for any new information and then scroll down to the PDF Review card, on the lower right-hand side of the screen.



  3. Check the Review Progress column for the status of the PDF files.

    1. If the PDF status is Response Required, EGLE staff have left a comment for you to review on that document.

    2. If the status is Complete that document does not require review.

    3. If the status is Superseded that document had been replaced with another document.

    4. If one of the PDFs you attached is no longer in that PDF Review card, than it has been excluded from that set of documents needing review.

  4. Select the blue PDF File link for the PDF that needs reviewed. If there are multiple documents you would like to open, right-click on each PDF File link, and select Open In a New Tab. This will allow you to have several pages open at once.

  5. A new window will open navigating to the PDF Review page.

  6. PDF Review has specific tools listed along the top of the page. The commonly used tools are as follows:

    1. File - Navigate between the PDFs attach to the activity

    2. Download - Download the document you are currently viewing

      1. Please note - Not all comments are not visible after downloading. Comments left on the image, and on page mark-ups are.

    3. Print - Print current document you are viewing

      1. Please note - Comments are not visible on the printed document however on page mark-ups are.

    4. Page navigation buttons - allow you to move forward or backwards among the pages in a multiple page document.

    5. In addition, many of these tools are also accessible by hovering over the document and right clicking the document. This will also allow you to rotate the document left or right.


  7. To check for comments left by EGLE staff, select the Comments Icon on the left-hand side of the screen.



  8. Then select Load all Comments.


  9. A list of pages with comments will appear. It will state which page a comment is one, and how many comments were left on that page.

  10. Select a page number from the list, and the list will open displaying all the comments left on that page

  11. Navigate directly to a specific comment by selecting it in the drop-down list.

  1. Reply to the comment by selecting the Add Reply box. When your response is complete, select Publish.

  2. Once you are done reviewing and responding to the comments listed in your PDF documents, you can navigate between documents by either using the arrows in the upper right-hand corner or the navigation buttons at the top of the page.

  3. Navigate back to the activity page by selecting the entity name at the top of screen.

  1. Check the Tasks card to confirm the completion of any outstandings tasks.



  1. Once Resubmit has been selected, the Certifier will need to complete the Submission Attestation.

  2. After checking the box next to Submission Attestation, the Certifier will need to enter their 4 digit Security PIN. Then select Submit to EGLE.

Attestation Example


Still need help? Submit a ticket to the MiEHDWIS Help Desk and someone from our team will get back with you.

If you need this information in an alternate format, please contact EGLE-MiEHDWIS@Michigan.gov.

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