How do I use reports?

How do I use reports?


Reports EXT LHD.mp4

New Features: With release 17, Local Health Department staff can access a new section of the customer portal, titled Reports. These reports will allow you to pull an excel list of different inspections, allowing the user to create customized reports for in-office use.

  1. Select Reports from the Left-hand Customer Portal Menu.

  2. Select the report you would like to create based on the program area.

    1. Campground inspection List by Activity Status

    2. Public Swimming Pool Inspection list by Activity Status

    3. Septage Hauler & SWRF Inspection List by Activity Status.

      1. On the next page, you will be able to select either SWRF inspections or Septage Hauler inspections.

  3. On the next page, enter the parameters of the report you would like to generate.

    1. You have the ability to search by:

      1. Entity type - Septage Hauler and SWRF Only

      2. Activity Status

      3. Local Health Department

      4. County

      5. Inspection date start and inspection end date

      6. Inspection due date state and due date end

    2. You are not required to use all of the parameters.


Activity Status: All activities in MiEHDWIS have statuses. These statuses signify where an activity is in the creation and review process.

Common statuses for inspection activities are:
- Inspection Requested - inspection is waiting to be started.
- Draft - An inspection activity has been started, but not yet finished.
- Submitted - the inspection has been submitted to EGLE
- EGLE Review - EGLE staff have received the inspection, and it is either being reviewed or pending review.
- More Information Needed - EGLE staff have sent the inspection back to the LHD office to either review or correct something in the inspection.
- Approved - Inspection has been reviewed and approved by EGLE staff

  1. Once the parameters are set, select Generate.

  2. A pop-up message will appear in the top right-hand corner of the screen, confirming your report.

  3. Your report will be automatically downloaded. You may have to locate it in your downloads file.


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