Managing PDF's for MiEHDWIS

Managing PDF's for MiEHDWIS

This KBA has a collection of videos and instructions on how to extract, merge and split different types of PDF documents using the three most commonly used software at the state.

The videos were taken from a 30-minute training from August 8th, 2022.

Power PDF Advanced previously known as Kofax



Kofax - Extracting.mp4
  1. Open file in Kofax.

  2. Select the Extract Icon in the top left corner


  3. A dialogue box will appear where you can set your extraction range.

  1. Select OK, when ready to extract pages.

  2. The extracted documents will appear in a new tab within Kofax.

  3. Navigate to the upper left-hand corner, select File, and then Save As. Now you can name your file and save it where you would like.


Kofax - Inserting.mp4
  1. Open file in Kofax.

  2. Select the Insert Icon in the top left corner.


  3. This will open a file search window. Find and Select the file you want to insert.

  4. A dialogue box will open. This will allow you to select, how many pages of the selected documents and where you would like your inserted document to go. Select OK when ready.




  6. Navigate to the upper left-hand corner, select File, and then Save As. Now you can name your file and save it where you would like.



Kofax - Merging.mp4
  1. Open all the files you plan to combine in Kofax. (Is this the only option?)

  2. Select the Combine All Icon in the top left corner.

  3. A dialogue box will open, listing all the tabs you currently have open. From this box, you can reorganize the files, add additional files or delete files. Select the Start PDF Creation button, when you are ready.


  1. A new tab will appear with all of the combined documents, in one PDF.

  2. Navigate to the upper left-hand corner, select File, and then Save As. Now you can name your file and save it where you would like.

Adobe Pro


Adobe Pro Extracting.mp4
  1. Open the PDF in Adobe Pro.

  2. Navigate to the right-hand side menu and select Organize Pages.

    Icon for Organize Pages
  3. A new page layout will show you all the pages in your PDF. You are able to select individual or multiple pages to extract, and then select Extract.

  4. Confirm your Extract.

  5. A new tab will open with your extracted documents.

  6. Navigate to File, in the top left hand corner and select Save As.

  7. Name the file and save it in the location of your choosing.


Adobe Pro - Merging.mp4
  1. Open the PDF in Adobe Pro.

  2. Navigate to the right-hand side menu and select Organize Pages.

  3. A new page layout will show you all the pages in your PDF.

  4. Select Insert, and then select the location you want to retrieve your file from.

  5. Select the file you plan to merge, and select Open.

  6. A dialogue box will appear, you can select where you would like your merged documents to go in your current document. Once you have selected where you want your document to go, select OK.



  1. A new tab will open and you will see your new page lay-out. When you are ready, select Close.

  2. Now you will see your document with the pages inserted.

  3. Navigate to File, in the top left hand corner and select Save As.

  4. Name the file and save it in the location of your choosing.

PDFSam Basic

Helpful Tip: When working with PDFsam Basic, be sure to have the PDF document you are working with open in a separate screen. You are not able to open and view the document in PDFSam, so having your PDF open separately will make navigating these processes easier


PDFsam - split.mp4
  1. Open PDFSam application

  2. Select the Split Option on the PDFSam Home Screen

  3. Select the PDF file you want to Extract.

  4. Set your Split Settings.

  5. Set your Output settings. This is where you will be saving your final document.

  6. Name your document using the File names settings section.

  7. Select Run.

  8. A notice will pop up informing you about possibly overwriting files, if they have the same name as an existing file. If you need to rename your document, select Cancel. If you have renamed your document and you are ready to move forward, select Overwrite.

  9. Once your split is complete, you will have a new Open Icon, and a progress bar, that says completed. Select Open.



  10. You will be taken to the file where your split documents saved.


PDFsam Merging.mp4
  1. Open PDFSam application.

  2. Select the Merge Option on the PDFSam Home Screen.

  3. Select the PDF file you want to merge. These can be selected through the Add button in the top left corner of the screen, or by dragging the files from a folder and selecting Open.

  4. A list of your selected PDF’s will populate. You can change the order of these files by selecting one, and using the Move Up, Move Down, and Remove Buttons


  5. Set your Merge Settings. You can choose to add a blank page, add a footer or normalize page size, you can also generate a table of contents from the file or document Titles.



  6. Set your Destination File, which is where your saved file merged document will be.

  7. Select Run.

  8. Once your Merge is complete, you will have a new Open Icon, and a progress bar, that says completed. Select Open.



  9. Your Merged file should open, for your review.


PDFsam Extracting.mp4
  1. Select the Extract Option on the PDFSam Home Screen

  2. Select the PDF file you want to merge. These can be selected through the Add button in the top left corner of the screen, or by dragging the files from a folder and selecting Open.

  3. Select your Extract Settings, which are the page or page range you want to extract.


4. Set your Output settings. This is where you will be saving your final document.

  1. Name your document using the File names settings section.

  2. Select Run.

  3. A notice will pop up informing you about possibly overwriting files, if they have the same name as an existing file. If you need to rename your document, select Cancel. If you have renamed your document and you are ready to move forward, select Overwrite.

  4. Once your extract is complete, you will have a new Open Icon, and a progress bar, that says completed. Select Open.



  5. You will be shown your new extracted document for review.

Warning: If you are going to extract multiple sets of pages from the same document, you will want to be sure to change the name Prefix on every set of extraction.

File Name Settings window

PDFSam will automatically overwrite any extractions that have the same name. You can prevent this by changing the Prefix of every extraction and this will retain all your extracted documents.


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