How to Submit a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)?

How to Submit a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)?

The Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) and the Consumer Confidence Report Certificate of Distribution (CCR Cert. of Dist.) processes have changed from previous years.

There are now two separate activity types for these files. You create the CCR and the CCR Cert. of Dist. is created for you upon creation of the CCR. Follow the steps below for guidance on submitting these activities to EGLE.

CCR - 2.mp4
  1. Click Create Activity.

  2. From the Entity Type dropdown, select Community Water Supply.

Did you know, you can set your default entity type to Community Water Supply under your profile settings.

  1. Select the Consumer Confidence from Category the dropdown.

  2. After selecting the Category, the Activity Type field appears, select Consumer Confidence Report.

  3. In the Entity field, begin typing in the name of the water supply you are submitting for or the water supply’s Public Water Supply ID (PWSID)/Entity ID.

  4. Click Create.

  5. You will be taken to the newly create activity page and the activity is assigned a unique Activity ID (ACT-XXXX).

  6. Review the instruction listed in the Description field in the top right of the screen.

  7. To upload the CCR file(s), scroll down to the Customer Attachments card and click Upload Attachment.

  8. Select the file(s) to upload.

  9. Complete the information on the card:

    1. File Name: Please title the file with a name that accurately describes the file being uploaded.

      1. Example Format: {Year} CCR {PWSID/Supply Name}

    2. File Description: Optional field to include any necessary information about the file.

    3. File Type: Please select the File Type that best suits the file you are uploading, Consumer Confidence Report or General Correspondence.

Consumer Confidence Report Certificates of Distribution are not to be uploaded to this activity. These files should be uploaded to the CCR Certificate of Distribution activity, which is created for you upon creation of the report activity. Visit the How to Submit a Consumer Confidence Report Certificate of Distribution Activity page for additional details on locating, uploading, and submitting files on the Cert. activity.

  1. Click Save.

  2. Review your activity and make sure all your attachments are accurate.

    1. The activity can be modified (add, remove, or edit files) or withdrawn prior to submission to EGLE.

  3. When ready to submit, click on Submit to EGLE.

    1. Please note, only Certifiers for the water supply can complete submission to EGLE. If you are not a Certifier, you can create the activity, upload files, and Proceed to Certification, so the Certifier for the water supply will receive a notification to complete submission of the activity.

  4. For Certifiers: Complete required information in the Submit to EGLE popup box and then click Submit to EGLE.

    1. Check Submission Attestation checkbox.

    2. Enter Security PIN that was sent via email.

      1. Please check spam/junk folders if not received. If still having PIN issues, reach out to the MiEHDWIS Help Desk for assistance.

      2. The same PIN may be used for other submissions until you log out of your current session.

      3. For more information on submitting an activity, visit How do I submit my activity using the PIN?

After selecting Submit to EGLE, the activity status will update to Submitted and no further action is required for the report activity. However, there are optional actions discussed below, and additional actions needed with respect to the CCR Certificate of Distribution.

  • A CCR Certificate of Distribution activity was created upon creation of the report activity. The CCR Certificate of Distribution file shall be uploaded to the Certificate activity not to the report activity.

Request a Preliminary Review

Requesting a Preliminary Review will notify EGLE staff to review your CCR, and potentially send feedback if things need to be adjusted or changed. Please note, this is optional. Requests should be submitted before June 1st. It may take up to two weeks for feedback to be returned.

  1. Select Request Preliminary Review

  1. The status of the activity will change to Submitted/Preliminary Review Requested. No more action is required.

  2. Check the Open Activities card on the dashboard for updates regarding the Preliminary Review.

    1. If no issues are found, the report will be accepted as final.

    2. If action needs to be taken, the activity status will be More Information Needed.

Revise Report

If modifications to the report need to be made after submitting, and before EGLE begins review, the Revise Report option will allow you to replace an uploaded CCR file with a new version.

  1. Click the Revise Report button.

  1. The status of the activity will change to More Information Needed.

  2. Scroll down to Customer Attachments and click Upload Attachment.

  3. Select the new CCR file(s) to upload.

  4. Complete the information on the card:

    1. File Name: Please title the file with a name that accurately describes the file being submitted,

    2. File Description: Optional field to include any necessary information about the file.

    3. File Type: Please select the File Type that best suits the file you are uploading.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Archive the old CCR, by selecting the Archive icon. Then select a reason for archiving the file.

    1. For information on how to archive documents please visit How do I delete, edit or archive incorrect files?

  7. Once the new CCR file has been uploaded, and the old CCR has been archived. Select Resubmit.

Still need help? Submit a ticket to the MiEHDWIS Help Desk and someone from our team will get back with you.

If you need this information in an alternate format, please contact EGLE-MiEHDWIS@Michigan.gov.


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