How do I submit a Source Water Protection Grant Application?

How do I submit a Source Water Protection Grant Application?

Welcome to the new Source Water Protection Grant Application process. Source Water Protection Grant Application(s) are used to apply for grants that provide financial assistance for projects or programs aimed at the protection, preservation, and enhancement of source drinking and ground water resources in the state.

The grant is designed to support local water protection programs, including planning, or implementing projects that protect public water supplies. The grant covers a broad range of projects, such as developing protection plans, improving wastewater management systems, providing funding for the purchase of conservation easements and safeguarding the quality and safety of drinking water supplies for communities.

This application is applicable for any municipal public water supply regardless of whether it is a ground water or surface water source. Perform the steps in this guide to ensure the Source Water Protection Grant Application is filled in correctly.

An applicant must have both a MILogin for Business account and a MiEHDWIS account to submit the application.

Complete and review the application and supporting documentation before submitting to EGLE. Applications must be submitted by the due date of June 15th. No submission or revisions will be accepted after that date. To obtain additional information about Source Water Protection Grants, visit the Source Water Protection website.

  1. On the Customer Portal page under Dashboard, click Create Activity.

  2. Under Entity Type, select Community Water Supply.

  3. Under Category, select Source Water.

  4. Under Activity Type, select Source Water Protection Grant Application.

  5. Type in the Entity Name or ID (Water Supply Name or PWSID) and select the appropriate water supply.

  6. Click Create.

  7. The Source Water Protection Grant Application Submission overview page will appear.

  8. Click on Start Form.

  9. The Source Water Protection Grant Application Form will appear.

  10. Fill in all requested and required information.

  11. Click Submit.

  12. Complete and check off tasks on the Tasks card.

  13. Click Review Application twice.

  14. Application has been submitted for review.

Still need help? Submit a ticket to the MiEHDWIS Help Desk and someone from our team will get back with you.

If you need this information in an alternate format, please contact EGLE-MiEHDWIS@Michigan.gov.