Help Desk Processes

Help Desk Processes

Documentation of the Data Applications Support Unit’s (DASU) current Help Desk processes.

Rules of Thumb

  • Responsibilities:

    • CWS: Danielle will handle all tickets and emails related to CWS.

    • NCWS/EH: Kristen will handle all tickets and emails related to NCWS/EH.

    • Multiple programs/no program: Help desk staff should take these as they see them in the queue.

  • When a new ticket comes into JSM queue or an email comes into the box:

    • Quick response: If it can be handled quickly, assign it to yourself, answer it, close it out (or move it to done folder).

    • Needs more research/help: If it’s something that needs more research, assign it to yourself, research the issue as you have time. If the issue is going to take longer than 2 business days, respond to the user telling them: “Thank you for reaching out. I am researching your question/issue and will get back with you in 2-3 business days." Find the answer and then respond back, close out the ticket/email.

      • Involving other DWEHD staff: If an SME or staff member needs to be involved, we should be reaching out to that staff member or @mentioning them in the JSM thread. We should not be assigning the ticket or forwarding the email onto them to resolve. The help desk should be the one responding to the user, not the program area staff member.

    • If you don’t hear back: If you don’t hear back from the ticket requester, it is perfectly appropriate to reach out to the internal staff via Teams, saying if you don’t receive a response with 3 business days, you will close out the ticket. Same can be said for external users via email.

      • Put an internal note in the ticket saying, “No response, closing ticket.”

    • Only work on tickets/emails that you are assigned to or have been working on. When multiple people work on them, it causes duplicate messages and confusion to our users. If you see a ticket/email that is not assigned to you and has been waiting over 3 business days, reach out to the person it’s assigned to and check first before answering the ticket/email.

    • After resolution, make sure an internal note is put on the ticket with documentation and explanation of solution, when possible.

    • Updating KBAs: If you notice that a KBA needs updating, feel free to do it! For brand new pages, create a draft of the page and consult with Mary to get it published.

    • Backup coverage: If you are off on A/L or S/L and would like backup, let the other help desk team members know so they can cover for you while you’re off. Unless you are asked specifically to cover for a certain period of time, do not handle user requests, tickets, or emails that the other help desk members cover. If you see a ticket/email that appears to be an emergency, reach out to Adrienne for direction on how or whether the ticket should be handled in their absence.

    • Communicate! Most importantly, work with your team! Things are much easier when we have full communication and we’re not working in silos.

General Email Box Etiquette:

  • EGLE-MiEHDWIS@michigan.gov is a shared email box among certifier team members and system administrators.

  • We use the shared email box for Certifier Agreement management, System Admin. announcements, interactions with external users, general MiEHDWIS questions, user account questions, training sign-up questions, etc.

  • We have color-coded name tags (Outlook categories) to identify who is processing which email.

    • Each assigned Certifier Agreement is to be followed up by the assigned team member. Certifier questions: assigned team members are lead and will take care of their own.

    • Help desk questions: Danielle is lead and will take care of these (and Kristen is back-up).

    • Training request questions (external users): Danielle is lead and will take care of these.

    • MiLogin/MiEHDWIS questions - Kristen/Danielle are leads and will take care of these.

    • Local Health Department / Power BI / Misc. Questions: Danielle/Kristen are lead and follow up on these.

    • Not color-coded email: feel free to assign to yourself and let the team know in Certifier chat.

    • If the email is tagged and sitting longer than 24- to 48-hours, it’s a judgment call. Reach out to assign team member and see if they need help.

Certifier Approval Process/OneSpan

  1. Add Requestors Name to end of Activity Name (Activity Naming Convention: Certifier Request Submission – John Doe).

    1. To find the Requestors Name, on the Activity Overview, click on Actions on the right navigation bar.

    2. Once you have the requestors name, close out of the Actions Drawer, and then click on Certifier Request Details.

    3. Click Edit.

    4. Add Requestors Name to the end of the Activity Name and then click Save.

  2. Leave the activity assigned to the District Engineer to verify relationship.

    1. The District Engineer will verify that the requestors relationship with the supply is valid and will also need to validate the Administrative Contacts details before transitioning.

      1. If applicable, the District Engineer will update the Administrative Contact details in SDWIS/Eddy before transitioning.

  3. Once the District Engineer has transitioned the certifier request to Relationship Verified, Assign the Activity to yourself and send the certifier agreement via OneSpan.

  4. Open OneSpan in a separate tab.

    1. Via MiLogin, click on Enterprise eSignatue Sender.

  5. Click on Manage Delegation.

    1. Highlight EGLE MiEHDWIS SOM and then click on Start Managing.

  6. Click on New Transaction.

  7. Select a Template.

    1. MiEHDWIS Certifier Agreement is for two signers.

    2. MiEHDWIS Certifier Agreement SS is for single signers.

  8. In the Name field, add requestors name First and Last Name, and the PWS ID and Name (example: MiEHDWIS Certifier Agreement - Jane Doe - MI9999999 (9999) | KRIS’S TEST SYSTEM).

  9. Click Create.

  10. Signer1 will always be the Administrative Contact (AC).  To find AC info, look in Eddy on the Entity Overview Primary Contacts tab. 

    1. In OneSpan, click on Placeholder and change to Recipient. Add First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Title (Administrator or Administrative Contact) and Company (PWS ID and Name).

    2. Click on the Ellipsis and select Add authentication method.

    3. Select SMS, enter Phone Number, click Save.

  11. Signer2 will always be the user requesting to become a certifier. In OneSpan, repeat the same process as the Administrative Contact.

    1. Title: Certifier

  12. Click Next button in top, right-hand corner.

  13. On the Certifier Agreement, scroll down to Applicant Information to fill out the Entity/Facility Name and ID and the First and Last Name text areas.

    1. Click on Text Area field.

    2. On the left-hand side under Field Settings, enter information in the Default Value section.

    3. Close out of Field Settings.

  14. Click on Send to Sign.

  15. Return to MiEHDWIS.

  16. Transition Activity to Agreement Sent.

  17. Once signed certifier agreement comes back as complete via email to the Eddy General Mailbox, locate the transaction in OneSpan, click on the link of the completed transaction, click Complete, then click the Download button, which will download all documents in a zip file to your Downloads folder on your computer. Once zip file has been downloaded, click the Archive button.

  18. Rename zip file in your Downloads folder as CA-WSSN-Requestor Name Month Year

  19. On the Entity overview, click on Contacts tab, click Add, click on the Add Contributor tab, start typing user’s last name, which will auto-suggest their user name; add Role of Certifier, click Save.

  20. Upload Certifier Agreement zip folder to the Entity file drawer.

  21. Transition Certifier Request Activity to Contributor Added.

Things to note

  1. Encourage the use of OneSpan. However, blank certifier agreements can be mailed or email to be physically signed by both parties and mailed back to Lansing (address listed on certifier agreement).

  2. Encourage the use of SMS authentication. However, Q&A may be used as an alternative method.

“I just discovered, as I was getting the CA ready to send, that the user is already a certifier. I am going to email him and see if he's having issues that prompted requesting again....but how do I handle this duplicate request, now that I have already transitioned it to this point?”

Answer: Transition the activity as ‘Withdraw’ or ‘Reject’.

Administrative Contact initiated Inactivation via MiEHDWIS
If the Administrative Contact followed the How do I remove a Certifier from my water supply in MiEHDWIS? instructions, please follow these steps.

  1. On the CWS CERTIFIER REQUESTS - PROCESS saved search, look for activities listed as Revisions Requested.

    1. Assign to yourself if not automatically assigned to you.

  2. On the Entity Overview, click on Contacts on the right navigation bar.

  3. Click on the Pencil icon for the certifier that is to be removed.

  4. Click the Delete button and then close out of Contacts drawer.

  5. Return to the Activity and click on Tasks.

    1. Check off Task and then close out of Tasks drawer.

  6. Click Transition and then choose Inactivate.

  7. Forward Certifier's information (First and Last name and/or Username) to Danielle Dill to have their MiEHDWIS account inactivated.

Administrative Contact or Internal Staff Emailed Help Desk for Certifier Removal
If the Administrative Contact followed the How do I remove a Certifier from my water supply in MiEHDWIS? instructions and emailed the help desk OR an internal staff member followed the Certifier Removal Process and emailed the help desk, please follow these steps.

  1. On the Entity Overview, go to the Activities tab and locate the Certifier Request activity for the Certifier to be inactivated.

  2. Click on the Activity ID hyperlink.

  3. Click Transition then choose Inactivation Requested.

    1. Assign to yourself if not automatically assigned to you.

  4. On the Entity Overview, click on Contacts on the right navigation bar.

  5. Click on the Pencil icon for the certifier that is to be removed.

  6. Click the Delete button and then close out of Contacts drawer.

  7. Return to the Activity and click on Tasks.

    1. Check off Task and then close out of Tasks drawer.

  8. While still on the Activity Overview, click on Files on the right navigation bar.

    1. Upload email from AC or internal staff member and then close out of Files drawer.

  9. Click Transition and then choose Inactivate.

  10. Forward Certifier's information (First and Last name and/or Username) to Danielle Dill to have their MiEHDWIS account inactivated.

Administrative Contact or Internal Staff Submits Help Desk Ticket for Certifier Removal
If the Administrative Contact followed the How do I remove a Certifier from my water supply in MiEHDWIS? instructions and submitted a help desk ticket OR an internal staff member followed the Certifier Removal Process and submitted a help desk ticket, please follow these steps.

  1. On the Entity Overview, go to the Activities tab and locate the Certifier Request activity for the Certifier to be inactivated.

  2. Click on the Activity ID hyperlink.

  3. Click Transition then choose Inactivation Requested.

    1. Assign to yourself if not automatically assigned to you.

  4. On the Entity Overview, click on Contacts on the right navigation bar.

  5. Click on the Pencil icon for the certifier that is to be removed.

  6. Click the Delete button and then close out of Contacts drawer.

  7. Return to the Activity and click on Tasks.

    1. Check off Task and then close out of Tasks drawer.

  8. While still on the Activity Overview, click on Notes on the right navigation bar.

    1. Click on Create Note.

      1. Title: {Certifier Name} Removal Request

      2. Note: Include help desk ticket number, who is requesting the removal, and any other pertinent information.

      3. Category: General Note

    2. Click Save and close out of Notes drawer

  9. Click Transition and then choose Inactivate.

  10. Forward Certifier's information (First and Last name and/or Username) to Danielle Dill to have their MiEHDWIS account inactivated.

Local Health Department Users Only:

Follow instructions in How to Process New Local Health Department MiEHDWIS User Access Requests.

Campground, Septage, and Water Hauler Users Only:

Follow instructions in How do I process Campground, Septage, and Water Hauler new user requests in MiEHDWIS?

CWS Program Users Only:

Follow instructions in How do I approve or deny a Business MiLogin (formerly Third Party) account request?

Access Request Denials:

Following are some reasons you would deny a user access request.  Some denial templates are saved in the MiEHDWIS email templates:

  • Citizens account. MiEHDWIS is longer allowing Citizen’s accounts, they should all be MILogin for Business (Third Party) accounts. 

  • Duplicate request. Before denying, reach out to the user and see which account they want to use or if there is a business need for two accounts.

  • The “reason for access” shows they shouldn’t have access (i.e. trying to fulfill FOIA request, Filter First grant applications, etc).

Duplicate request – email example:

“We see that you submitted a new request for access to MiEHDWIS under another username, _______, but already have an approved account under username _______.  Are you still able to access your approved account?  If there a specific reason for needing a second account?  Please advise at your earliest convenience so we can either approve or deny your new request.

Personal Email used in account - email example:

PERSONAL EMAIL IN ACCOUNT REQUEST (is an employee of a municipality, for example):
“Thank you for your MiEHDWIS Account Request.  Please address the following item in order for us to process your request.

  • You listed a personal email address on your MiLogin profile.  Please be aware that any communication from DWEHD will be send to the email address you list on your profile.  Are you sure that you want to use your personal email address to conduct business for [the Entity]?

Filter First requests - email example:

”You have reached the MiEHDWIS help desk. However, it appears that you are inquiring regarding the Filter First program.  For that reason, your request to access MiEHDWIS has been denied.

For any problem accessing the GEMS/MARS application, please contact the GEMS Help Desk at (517) 241-6270 or at MDE-GEMS@michigan.gov. Please include your full name and complete telephone number (with area code) when you contact the Help Desk.

Additional support can be found at: www.michigan.gov/gems-mars. This website includes basic help documentation, as well as the necessary security authorization forms to get access to the system.

If you have any questions or issues regarding Filter First, please feel free to reach out to EGLE-DWEHD-FilterFirst@Michigan.gov.”

New Worker Access Requests

  1. Navigate to System, then go to Security, then Access Requests. 

  2. Under MILogin User Type, look for any Worker requests.

  3. Click on the user's REQ ID link (make sure it isn’t assigned to anyone).

    1. Make sure that DWEHD is listed as under Agency.

      1. If Agency is anything other than DWEHD, please deny (see denial reasons below) by clicking on Transition, then Deny Request.

    2. Assign CWS program Worker Requests to Danielle and EH/NCWS program Worker Requests to Kristen.

  4. Verify that a MiEHDWIS account does not already exist for user (i.e. may have had a MILogin for Business (Third Party) account that needs to be inactivated).

    1. Copy last name.

    2. Click on Security, then Users.

    3. Paste last name and verify that an account does not already exist.

      1. If an account already exists, email user to find out if there is a business need for having another account (i.e. DWEHD employee but also does consulting work on the side and would need both a Worker and MILogin for Business (Third Party) account).

      2. If new account is for a name change (MILogin does not allow State of Michigan employees to change their name; all new credentials are provided), inactivate previous account and approve new request.

  5. If Worker access request should be approved, check to see if you have the ‘New Response: DWEHD IT Applications Security Request Form’ email from Adrienne. This email will provide the Groups and Workgroups the new user should be added to.

    1. If you have not received the email, send the DWEHD IT Application Security Request Form to the user’s supervisor (cc user) and ask that the form be filled out.

  6. Once you have the email from Adrienne, go Back to Security, then Access Requests.

  7. Click on the Request ID of the account you would like to approve.

  8. On the users Access Request Overview, click on the View User Groups hyperlink to add the worker to their appropriate Groups.

    1. Remove user from the Unapproved Internal Group by clicking on checkbox then clicking the Remove button.

    2. Click on Add button and search for each group the worker should be added to. Click on the checkbox for each group to select them. Click the Save button.

  9. Navigate to Security>Workgroups.

    1. Filter for each workgroup the user should be added to. Click on the hyperlink for each workgroup, click on the Users tab and click on the Add button. Search for the worker’s name and click the Save button. Repeat for each workgroup.

  10. Go back to Security>Access Requests, and then click on the Request ID of the account you would like to approve.

  11. To approve request, click Transition and then choose Approve Request.

Access Request Denials

Following are some reasons you would deny a Worker request. 

  • Agency is not DWEHD but is a State of Michigan employee (i.e. MDOC employee that needs to submit MORs for the Correctional Facility). At this time, we cannot grant State of Michigan employees Third Party permissions. Deny request and send the following email:
    “You requested access to MiEHDWIS using your State of Michigan Worker MILogin account (which was correct).  Unfortunately, an update happened where we are no longer able to grant MILogin Worker accounts Third Party Permissions.  We are actively working on a solution with our developers.  In the meantime, please hold off using MiEHDWIS to submit documents.  Please continue submitting documents how you were in the past (for example, emailing to a district office).  We are going to deny your account at this time since you cannot use the system.  We apologize for the inconvenience.”

  • Agency is not DWEHD but is an EGLE employee (i.e. Water Resources employee looking for information on shared permit project). At this time, we are not granting other EGLE divisions access to MiEHDWIS. Deny requests and send denial email (example below):
    ”We see that you submitted a request for access into MiEHDWIS.  Currently, MiEHDWIS has limited capabilities and is strictly for DWEHD workers at this time.  The system cannot provide you with the information that you are seeking. MiEHDWIS is constantly evolving, however, and hopefully in the future other divisions will be able to get needed information out of MiEHDWIS.”

  • The “reason for access” shows they shouldn’t have access.

External User (CWS) - Danielle Dill processes these.

  1. Navigate to System > Security > Users

  2. Type users last name into Filter

  3. Click on correct Username

  4. Click on Groups

    1. Remove any current groups

    2. Add to Unapproved External User

  5. Go back to User details

    1. Click Edit

    2. Under Account Status, choose Inactive

    3. Click Save

  6. Remove Contributor or Certifier status on the entities the inactivated user is a Contributor on.

External User (LHD) - Kristen Basaran processes these.

  1. Navigate to Partners > Local Health Departments

  2. Type LHD that user is associated with in Filter

  3. Click on correct LHD

    1. On Office card, click on correct office if more than one listed

    2. Click on Contact Tab

    3. Click checkbox next to users name

    4. Click Remove

  4. Navigate to System > Security > Users

  5. Type users last name into Filter

  6. Click on correct Username

  7. Click on View User Profile

    1. Under Default Contact Information, click on View Contact Record

    2. Click Edit

    3. Click Delete

  8. Navigate to System > Security > Users

  9. Type users last name into Filter

  10. Click on correct Username

  11. Click on Groups tab

    1. Remove any current groups

    2. Add to Unapproved External User

  12. Go back to User details

    1. Click Edit

    2. Under Account Status, choose Inactive

    3. Click Save

Internal User - Danielle Dill processes these for CWS and Kristen processes these for EH/NCWS.

  1. Navigate to System > Security > Users

  2. Type users last name into Filter

  3. Click on correct Username

  4. Click on Groups

    1. Remove any current groups

    2. Add to Unapproved Internal User

  5. Go back to User details

    1. Click Edit

    2. Under Account Status, choose Inactive

    3. Click Save

  6. If Workgroups for user are known

    1. Navigate to System > Security > Workgroups

    2. Type Workgroup name into Filter

    3. Click on Workgroup

      1. Click on Users

      2. Find username and click on box

      3. Click on Remove

      4. Repeat for any workgroups user was in

  1. Instruct the user to first change their name in their MiLogin profile. Instruct them to inform EGLE-miehdwis@michigan.gov once they have updated their name in their MiLogin profile.

  2. Once the user has updated their name in their MiLogin profile, navigate in MiEHDWIS to System>Security>Users

  3. Search for and select the user

  4. On Details tab, click on View User Profile

  5. On Workgroups tab, select the user’s personal workgroup

  6. Click on the Edit button

  7. Change the workgroup first/last name, (do not change the username):

  8. Click on the Save button

  9. Now, when adding a user as a certifier to a supply, you can search the user by typing their correct name. Their correct name (with username in parentheses) will display.


  1. Open KL&A Jira; (be sure you are logged in)

  2. First search if there’s a related ticket that was reported previously:                    

    Bug ticket filter search = BUG Backlog.

  3. Click the blue Create button on dashboard banner

  4. Project: select Water Development Project

  5. Issue Type:  Bug

  6. Summary: Keep the summary concise but descriptive, like the subject line of an email.

  7. Components: Start typing in this field to choose affected components, such as “Activities”, “Dynamic Forms”, etc.

  8. Tester:  (optional)

  9. USER(s): (optional), provide user name of the person who reported the issue, if known

  10. URL(s):  (optional), provide URL to the relevant MiEHDWIS activity(-ies).

  11. Defect Description – give detailed description of the bug

     (i) add information “emoticon” from menu for info. you want to stand out.

    (?) add question mark “emoticon” from menu for gotchas and questions for the testers to explore.

  12. Defect Resolution / Acceptance Criteria – give detailed description of how it’s supposed to function.

  13. Reproduction Steps – Give detailed, step-by-step reproduction steps, like you would want to follow, if you were the one doing the testing.

  14. Work Around – add if applicable

  15. Error Message(s) & Technical Notes – add if applicable.
    Add hyperlinks to related tickets, if applicable.

  16. Environment:  Select the environment(s) in which the bug is occurring. Select All environments (using Ctrl button), if the behavior is occurring in all environments.

  17. Priority:  Probably Major

  18. Attach any relevant screenshots or videos demonstrating the issue.

  19. Issue (optional): only if it is a closely related ticket (and only if identified), select an existing ticket(s) from the drop-down list

  20. Program Area:  Select the program area in which the behavior is happening; select All the programs (using Ctrl button), if the behavior is occurring across all programs

  21. Click Create button

  22. Return to DWEHD internal help desk (Jira) ticket

  23. Respond to customer with ticket status

  24. When appropriate, close out the DWEHD internal help desk (Jira) ticket, in doing so, select “Bug Ticket Created” for that ticket’s resolution.

Operations tickets are no longer being created. Please create bug ticket with high priority instead.

  1. Open KL&A Jira; (be sure you are logged in)

  2. First search if there’s a related ticket that was reported previously:
    Operations ticket filter search = Operation Tickets

  3. Click the blue Create button on dashboard banner

  4. Project: Select Water Development project

  5. Summary: Keep the summary concise but descriptive, like the subject line of an email.

  6. Components: Start typing in this field to choose affected components, such as “Activities”, “Dynamic Forms”, etc.

  7. Description:

    1. USER(s): (optional), provide user name of the person who reported the issue, if known

    2. URL(s):  (optional), provide URL to the relevant MiEHDWIS activity(-ies).

    3. Defect Description – give detailed description of the bug

       (i) add information “emoticon” from menu for info. you want to stand out.

      (?) add question mark “emoticon” from menu for gotchas and questions for the testers to explore.

    4. Defect Resolution / Acceptance Criteria – give detailed description of how it’s supposed to function.

    5. Reproduction Steps – Give detailed, step-by-step reproduction steps, like you would want to follow, if you were the one doing the testing.

  8. Priority:  Probably Major

  9. Attach any relevant screenshots or videos demonstrating the issue.

  10. Issue (optional): only if it is a closely related ticket (and only if identified), select an existing ticket(s) from the drop-down list

  11. Program Area:  Select the program(s) in which the behavior is happening; select All the programs (using Ctrl button), if across all programs

  12. Click Create button

  13. Change Status:  be sure to click the ‘Ready for KL&A Triage’ button and post the Ops ticket link in the MiEHDWIS Leadership Teams chat so that the ticket will be seen.

  14. Return to DWEHD internal help desk (Jira) ticket

  15. Respond to customer with ticket status

  16. Change help desk ticket status to Waiting on KL&A.

  17. When appropriate, close out the DWEHD internal help desk (Jira) ticket, in doing so, select “Operations Ticket Created” for that ticket’s resolution.

  1. Open KL&A Jira; (be sure you are logged in)

  2. First search if there’s a related ticket that was reported previously:
    Enhancement ticket filter search = Enhancement List - ALL.

  3. Click the blue Create button on dashboard banner

  4. Project: select SOW Requirement Project

  5. Issue Type:  select Enhancement

  6. Summary: Keep the summary concise but descriptive, like the subject line of an email.

  7. Overview: provide a detailed description of what is missing, why it is needed, and the business objective. As a <Persona>, I need <Insert Statement> so <I can meet Business Need>.

    1.  (i) add information “emoticon” from menu for info. you want to stand out.

      (?) add question mark “emoticon” from menu for gotchas and questions for the testers to explore.

      Currently, an Externally Visible checkbox is available on the Activity level Files Drawer Files Detail, but the checkbox is not there on the Entity level Files Drawer File Details.

      Once the checkbox exists, it will need to show the externally visible files on the Customer Portal (see Business Objective). Note from Alex: a potential design is to include the files on the custom entity type overview that is included in the external user permissions arc.

    2. Business Objective (example):

      We have some instances where we have reports or other documents on the entity level that don't necessarily have a workflow or an activity associated with them that we would want the external water supply users or health departments to be able to see but not be related to an activity because they aren't an activity.

    3. Navigation:

    4. Additional Notes (example)

      Screenshot is the File Details from a file on the Entity level Files Drawer (note, no externally visible checkbox)

  8. Components: Start typing in this field to choose affected components, such as “Activities”, “Dynamic Forms”, etc.

  9. Attachments: Attach any relevant screenshots or videos demonstrating the issue

  10. Functional Area: (similar to program area or component)

  11. Issue (optional): only if it is a closely related ticket (and only if identified), select an existing ticket(s) from the drop-down list

  12. Priority:  Probably Minor

  13. Add Review label

  14. Click Create button.

  15. After creating the enhancement ticket, assign the ticket to the following SMEs based on program area to let them know there is one to look at so they can review and prioritize amongst the rest of the backlog.
    CWS: Brittany Earles and Carey Pauquette

    EH: Cat Stevenson (and Ronda?)

    NCWS: Katie Plashek
    Cross Program: Amy Sutton, Ronda Dastoli

  16. Respond to customer with ticket status

  17. Change help desk ticket’s status to Waiting on EGLE.

  18. When appropriate, change the DWEHD help desk ticket status to 'Waiting on EGLE” or close out the DWEHD internal help desk (Jira) ticket, in doing so, select “Enhancement Ticket Created” for that ticket’s resolution.


Still need help? Submit a ticket to the Internal MiEHDWIS Help Desk and someone from our team will get back with you.


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