How do I process Campground, Septage, and Water Hauler new user requests in MiEHDWIS?

How do I process Campground, Septage, and Water Hauler new user requests in MiEHDWIS?

  1. First screen the user, following steps 1-8 of “How do I approve or deny a Business MiLogin (formerly Third Party) account request?but do not Transition the request as “Approved” yet.

  2. If the user has not identified the facilit(ies) that they are associated with, send them an email requesting that information. Proceed to Step 3 below:

Search to See Whether User Has an Existing Contact Record

  1. Access the user’s Access Request under System>Security>Access Requests, by clicking on the Request ID # (REQ-).

  2. Click on the Link button on the Access Request Contact card. Type the user’s last name, first name in Contact Name field to search whether there is an existing contact.

  3. If there is a match, complete the link.

  1. Once the user’s account has been linked to their contact, a hyperlink for the user’s contact will now display on the contact card. Click on the user’s contact hyperlink to view.

  2. On the user’s contact details, click the Edit button to add the title/role they provided in their Access Request’s reason for access. Proceed to Step 8 below.

When the User Does Not Have an Existing Contact Record

  1. If no contact exists, on the user’s Access Request click the Create button. Click on the next Create button to confirm that you want to create the contact.

Create button.png
Create button.png
  1. Click Transition and then choose Approve Request.

  2. Send the user an access approval email with relevant KBAs and CC either Matt Rockhold (for Septage) or Cat Stevenson (for Swimming Pools and Campgrounds) so they can determine whether the user should be added as a Contributor on the entity and with which role.

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