Release 2.1

Release 2.1

We are excited to deliver the next iteration of MiEHDWIS (“Eddy”). Release 2.1, which will be implemented on April 22nd, 2021, builds upon some existing features, like document generation, as well as introduces numerous quality/bug fixes and overall user experience improvements.

Many of the enhancements aim to improve how users work with entity data, improve fee calculations, improve the accuracy of data being pulled from SDWIS, and improves the experience of using the system at different resolutions and on different devices. The features of this release are described below in further detail.

Overall System Improvements

  • Advanced Searching and Saved Searches. The system will require you to enter a description when creating a new saved search, which will make it easier to identify previously created searches and easily administrate these searches system-wide. The system now supports more task searching capabilities, including searching for tasks by Entity County; General Activity Information; and specific Campground, Septage, and Community Water Supply assignment groups.

  • Contact Records. Bug fixes were released to address contact record sort functionality; creating new contacts from within the Contact Object Drawer; and other contact administration improvements (i.e., general navigation).

  • Customer Portal Enhancements. Enhancements include the ability for a user to perform submission queue filtering and to view/update the file details associated with a submitted file.

  • General User Experience Enhancements. Improve the responsiveness of scrolling when the browser window is zoomed in.

  • Generated Document Enhancements. Numerous document management enhancements, including the ability to format mail merge date fields and perform calculations against these date fields; delete generated documents from the Generated Documents Object Drawer; and generate sample documents with pre-filled fields (to ensure your template is set up correctly).

  • System Process Administration. Allow process descriptions to be specified for system processes, so users can clearly identify what a process is used for and how often it runs.

  • Audit History Improvements. Bug fixes associated with audit history date/timestamps and filtering audit history search results.

Campground Enhancements

  • Campground Activity Bug Fixes. Fixing a bug associated with the duplication of the entity name in activity (workflow) extracts.

  • Campground Entity Management. Address the user experience of working with a campground entity on a tablet (viewing user profile and having access to horizontal scroll bars). A secondary bug fix was released to address editing campground detail records due to a frozen dialog box associated with municipal values.

  • Township and Town/Range Values. Updating the system to refer to these Township and Town/Range variables using friendly names not codes.

Community Water Supply Enhancements

  • CWS Entity Management. Correcting entity information being pulled from SDWIS for populating the CWS Entity Overview screen, which includes accommodating entities that may be missing key contact, location, and schedule information.

  • Spotlight. Update the Spotlight web address (URL) and address a couple bugs associated with the general user experience of using the dashboard, including sorting/filtering and using the mouse scroll wheel when hovering over a table. The accuracy of SDWIS data being presented on the Spotlight page was also improved with this release.

Septage Enhancements

  • Activity Auto-Assignment. Improvements to enable an activity (workflow) step to auto-assign activities and tasks.

  • Notification Enhancements. Remove notifications for Septage Administrators when an inspection activity is created.

  • Object Drawer Enhancements. Addressing a handful of bugs associated with the Object Drawer functionality, including calculations for total amount due in the Financial Drawer; accommodating the maximum amount of characters in the Notes drawer; and addressing a bug with Object Drawer persistence across multiple entity activity tabs.