How to download current year active Swimming pool Licenses

How to download current year active Swimming pool Licenses

Starting in 2025 Local Health Departments can download the swimming pool licenses directly from the swimming pool entities. Local Health Departments no longer have to wait for licenses to be emailed or mailed to them.

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  1. Navigate to down to the Entities card located at the bottom of the Dashboard.

  2. Type SP in the text line and click Filter.

  1. The Entities card will now only show Swimming Pool Establishments.

  2. Select on the down arrow next to the entity Status. This will open an expanded window to show all the activities related to that entity.

  3. Click on Status column to sort activities by status.

  4. Active Status should sort to the top.

  5. Search under the Activity Name column for the 2025 Swim License Renewal.

  6. Click on the download icon to download a copy of the license.


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