How do I submit a source water protection plan for review?

How do I submit a source water protection plan for review?

Source water protection program plans are developed, implemented, and submitted on a voluntary basis for community water systems by use of this process. This process can be used to submit a source water protection program plan for a system using a groundwater or surface water source. Please download either the surface water or ground water checklist to refer to as you complete the Source Water Protection Plan to be sure all information required for plan approval is included. Next, attach a PDF of the source water protection program plan and submit to EGLE for review. Your program plan will either be approved, or revisions will be requested if applicable. There is also an option to withdraw an activity or submittal. If you need assistance or have questions, contact Jason Berndt. Use the Messages pane in MiEHDWIS to send a message, or contact by phone or email: 517-203-9631 or BerndtJ1@Michigan.gov.

 How do I submit the plan?

  1. Click on Create Activity.

  2. From the dropdown, select Community Water Supply for Entity Type.

  3. Select Source Water for Category.

  4. Select Source Water Protection Program Plan Review for Activity Type.

  5. Type ahead name of Entity or Public Water Supply ID for Entity Name or Entity ID to ensure that the file is connected to the correct Entity upon submission. Confirm that the Entity Name matches the Entity ID.

  6. Click Create.

  7. At this point, you will be taken to the Activity page and are assigned a unique Activity ID (ACT-XXXX).

  8. On this page, you may click Upload Attachment to upload files, use the Send Message tool to send a message to the appropriate DWEHD staff member, view the Status and Timeline.

  9. To upload a file, click Upload Attachment.

  10. Select the file(s) to upload.

  11. Complete the information on the card.

  12. Click Submit to EGLE.

  13. When plan is approved, you will receive a notification stating plan is approved.

  14. From Overview Page, click on approved Activity hyperlink.

  15. Scroll down to Attachments.

  16. Download the Source Water Plan Approval Letter for your records.