How do I edit a generated document?

Download the Document

  1. On an Entity overview or activity page, click on the Generated Documents () icon. 

  2. Click on the document to go to the Document Details

  3. Click on the ellipses to Download as DOCX.

Edit the Letter

  1. Open the Word document that was just downloaded. 

  2. Make changes to the document and resave to a location that you will be able to find. 

  3. Close the Word document. 

Re-Upload the Letter to Replace the Generated Letter 

  1. When on the Document Details, click Edit.

  2. Click or drag files to Click to browse or drag files here

  3. Locate the modified letter. 

  4. Click Open to attach the new letter (File name will change to New File Name).  

  5. Click Save.

  6. Confirmation “Successfully updated letter” is displayed.

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