What are the different contributor roles that are available for external users?

What are the different contributor roles that are available for external users?

Contributor roles in MiEHDWIS control which activities that the external user can see in the Customer Portal, as well as what tasks and actions the external user is allowed to do.

Which contributor role do they need?

Activity Creator

Activity Creator is the role that MiEHDWIS assigns automatically to the approved external user that creates an activity.

For all entity types besides Community Water Supply, Activity Creators can create activities, add documents to activities, and submit directly to EGLE.

For Community Water Supply, Activity Creators can create activities, add documents to activities, but cannot submit directly to EGLE. Activity Creators will only be able to view activities they created.

Contributor - Activity and Entity

Activity Contributor
This role given to a user that did not create the activity (and is not the Certifier) but needs to interact with the activity in some way (viewing, checking off tasks, etc.).

Community Water Supply users that need to be added to an activity should reach out to the EGLE District Engineer. Please see How to add a Contributor for instructions.

Entity Contributor
For all entity types besides Community Water Supply, Contributors can create activities, view activities that they are a Contributor for, and submit activities on behalf of an entity.

For Community Water Supply, Contributors can create activities, add documents to activities, view all the activities for the supply(ies) they are a Contributor for, but cannot submit directly to EGLE.

Community Water Supply users that need to be a Contributor for the water supply(ies) they oversee should reach out to the MiEHDWIS Help Desk.


This role is only used for Community Water Supply.

Community Water Supply users need this role if they are certifying documents and submittals on behalf of the water supply(ies) they oversee.

Certifiers can create activities, add documents to activities, view all the activities for the supply(ies) they are a Certifier for, and submit activities to EGLE on behalf of the water supply(ies) they are a Certifier for.

If a Community Water Supply user needs to become a certifier, please direct them to How do I get a Certifier Role?


Activity Creator




Activity Creator



Can create activities?




Can view activities?

Yes, only for those that they have created

Yes, only for those that they have a Contributor role

Yes, only for those entity(ies) that they have a Certifier role

Can submit activities for all other entity types beside community water supplies (campgrounds, septage, swimming pools, onsite wastewater management)?




Can submit activities to EGLE on behalf of community water supplies?



Yes, only for the entity(ies) that they have a Certifier role