What is Governance Board?

What is Governance Board?

The Governance board is a committee of people who work to improve user Experience in Eddy.

Mission, Purpose and Goals of Gov Board

Who is on the Governance Board?

The Governance Board is made up of a collection of key stakeholders, subject matter experts, a support team, and a core team representing the different program areas in MiEHDWIS.

How do topics get to the Governance Board?
Change requests are submitted to the board either through, Help Desk Staff who create tickets on behalf of external users, Program Staff or via the standard process of internal users submitting a change request ticket through the help desk website.


Below you can see that process which prepare tickets to go in front of Governance Board.


Once a ticket is ready, it goes through the Governance Board business process that is laid out below. 


What topics do the board members discuss?

  • Dynamic Forms

  • System Notifications

  • Activity Type

  • Wording Change

  • Dropdown Menu Items

  • Workflow Configurations

 What topics aren't discussed by the review board?

  • system bugs

  • typos

  • Training Requests

  • Structural changes with the division/department

  • work group assignments/on-board and off-boarding of users

  • regulatory/legal changes

Helpful Tip: If you are interested in submitting a Change Request to the Governance Board, submit a “Change Request” at the Internal MiEHDWIS Help Desk.

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