How do I perform the CG bulk process for annual license renewal and invoicing?

How do I perform the CG bulk process for annual license renewal and invoicing?

To be eligible for the Campground Annual License Renewal and Invoice Process, a campground must be:  

  • Active (Status), NOT Temporary, and the most recent license activity expires in the current calendar year, OR 

  • The "Include in Automated Renewal Process" indicator is set to "Include."  This option allows you to override the criteria above and include or exclude the campground in the renewal process. 

Be sure to run all of these steps in order, it is very important, or the process will not run correctly. 

  1. Click Operations

  2. Click Processes

  3. Click Run Process

CG – Annual License Renewals: 1) Preview Campgrounds 

  1. Under Process Name, choose the first step in the Process, CG – Annual License Renewals: 1) Preview Campgrounds

  2. Click Run

  3. Wait until a black toast message runs across the bottom of the screen indicating that this step has completed. 

  4. Two files will be created, one containing the campgrounds that will be included in the automatic renewal process and the other contains a list of campgrounds that will be excluded because they are ineligible.  

  5. To view the files, click on Download Queue.  There should be two files, (CG-LicenseRenewalPreview-Included.csv and CG-LicenseRenewalPreview-Excluded.csv). Download each of these files to view. 

  6. When you are satisfied with the results of the preview files, go on to the next step. 

Review these files for errors and correct data errors before running CG - Annual License Renewals: 2) Create License Activities.  This preview process may be run as many times as needed to fine-tune the list of campgrounds that will participate in the bulk License Renewal process. 

CG – Annual License Renewals: 2) Create License Activities 

This step will create new License Renewal Activities in a “Draft” status for every campground included in the renewal. 

  1. Click on Processes

  2. Under Process Name, choose the next step in the Process, CG - Annual License Renewals: 2) Create License Activities

  3. Click Run

  4. Wait until a black toast message runs across the bottom of the screen indicating that this step has completed. 

  5. Download and review the Operator Log to ensure that the same number of campgrounds in the first step were included in this step. 

  6. When you are satisfied with the results of this step, continue to the next step. 

CG – Annual License Renewals: 3) Create Fees 

  1. Under Process Name, choose the next step in the Process, CG – Annual License Renewals: 3) Create Fees

  2. Click Run

  3. Wait until a black toast message runs across the bottom of the screen indicating that this step has completed. 

  4. Download and review the Operator Log to ensure that the same number of campgrounds in the previous step were included in this step. 

  5. There will also be a file created containing all the campgrounds included in this step. 

  6. To view this file, click on Download Queue and download the file named CG-LicenseRenewalFee-Created.csv.

  7. Send these files over to Sharon Roman (RomanS@Michigan.gov) of Admin Section to review and provide approval before going on to the next step.

  8. When you are satisfied with the results of this step, continue to the next step. 

CG – Annual License Renewals: 4) Create MiCaRS Invoices 

  1. Click on Processes

  2. Under Process Name, choose the next step in the Process, CG - Annual License Renewals: 4) Create MiCaRS Invoices

  3. Click Run

  4. Wait until a black toast message runs across the bottom of the screen indicating that this step has completed.  

CG – Annual License Renewals: 5) Generate License Renewal and Invoice Packets 

  1. Under Process Name, choose the last step in the Process, CG – Annual License Renewals: 5) Generate License Renewal and Invoice Packets

  2. Click Run

  3. Wait until a black toast message runs across the bottom of the screen indicating that this step has completed. 

Download Batch Packets 

  1. Click on Download Queue

  2. Two files are created from this process, a Log file, and the batch packets.

  3. To view and verify which campgrounds were included in this process, download the CG-LicenseRenewalFee-Log.csv file.

  4. To view and download the Renewal Packets, download the Bulk_CG_License_Renewal_Packets.pdf

  5. Review the PDF to make sure each campground has a two-page packet with an Application and an Invoice.  Spot-check to make sure invoices have been done correctly. 

  6. When you are satisfied with the results of this step, send this packet along with the Campground License Renewal Memo PDF to Lisa Hoeh (HoehL@Michigan.gov), who will send them to the Print Center to then be mailed out. **Remind Lisa to please request for application and invoice to be duplexed into one doc.

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