How do I replace an incorrect or outdated file?

Prior to submitting activity to EGLE

  1. To edit the file details, click the pencil icon, update any details, and click Save.

  2. To delete the file, click the trash can icon. Click Remove.

  3. Click Upload Attachment to add the correct files (or any additional files) to the activity.

After submitting activity to EGLE

  1. A file may only be replaced (archived) if the activity is not in EGLE’s hands.

  2. To replace the file, click the archive icon archive icon.png.

  3. Select a reason for archiving the file and then click Archive.

  4. The file will now be hidden. If for some reason you need to retrieve that file, please contact someone from the program area via the Messages card.

  5. Click Upload Attachment to add the correct files (or any additional files) to the activity.

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