How do I choose my notification method?

How do I choose my notification method?

Users can update the way they would like to receive notifications based on their user profile preferences.

How do I get there?

  1. Navigate to your user profile.

  2. Click Preferences.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Select the notification Alert Method.

  5. If Text Message is selected, select the Phone Carrier.

What are the notification alert methods?

The Notification Alert Method will allow the user to designate how they would like to receive notifications. Four notification alert method options are available: MiEHDWIS Only, MiEHDWIS and Email, MiEHDWIS and Text Message, and MiEHDWIS, Text Message, and Email.


If you set your preferences set to only receive notifications within MiEHDWIS, then the notification is only available within the notification bell of the application.

MiEHDWIS and Email

If you set your preferences to MiEHDWIS and Email, then you will receive a notification within MiEHDWIS (bell) and an email notification. If you do not have an email address associated with your profile, you may not receive an email notification.

MiEHDWIS and Text Message

If you select to receive text messages as a notification preference, you will be required to add the cell phone carrier service. If you do not see your phone carrier listed, please contact the help desk for further assistance.
If you set your preferences set to MiEHDWIS and text message, and your phone carrier is configured as an expected phone carrier, then the user will receive a notification within MiEHDWIS and a text message.

If the MiLogin Cell Phone is not successfully on record through MiLogin or the cell phone’s carrier is not yet configured in the EGLE system, you may experience defective behavior. Major phone carriers are configured for EGLE use; however, if you have an off-brand phone carrier please contact the help desk for further assistance. It may be as simple as requesting an EGLE system administrator to add your phone carrier to the system for approved use. You can expect to receive a text message from Notification-MiEHDWIS-NoReply@michigan.gov with an associated message of Notification: with the additional text message content. Again, as with email, if you do not have a cell phone number associated with your profile your notification may not arrive via text message.

IMPORTANT: Your phone service may charge a fee for each message. At this time, there is no way to limit the amount of text messages sent if you choose the text message option.

MiEHDWIS, Email and Text Message

If you set your preferences to MiEHDWIS, Email, and Text Message, then the user will receive a notification within MiEHDWIS, an email notification, and a text message. As documented above, if you do not have an email address associated with your profile, you may not receive an email notification. If you do not have a MiLogin Cell Phone associated with your profile, you will not receive a text message.

To validate your contact details, navigate to the details page for your user profile. By default, user profile preferences for internal users will be set to MiEHDWIS Only.

Still need help? Submit a ticket to the MiEHDWIS Help Desk and someone from our team will get back with you.

If you need this information in an alternate format, please contact EGLE-MiEHDWIS@Michigan.gov.

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