How do I use Open Invoices?

How do I use Open Invoices?

Open Invoices card

On the user dashboard, the Open Invoices card will list all the open invoices for entities, that you are listed as a billable person on. If you are not listed as a billable customer in MiEHDWIS, this card will stay on your dashboard but remain empty.

  1. Navigate to the Open Invoices card, located at the top of your dashboard. You are able to filter your invoices by Invoice Number, amount due, late fees, total due, date due and amount paid.

  2. Select the Invoice button to download your invoice. If your Invoice button is gray and unclickable, your invoice is still being generated in the system and will be available soon.

The downloaded Invoice document will have instructions on how to pay your balance, either by mail or online.
In a future release of MiEHDWIS, users will be pay their invoices through the Open Invoices card.

  1. If you would like to view closed invoice, toggle the Include Closed slide button in the top right corner to see all open and closed invoices.

Still need help? Submit a ticket to the MiEHDWIS Help Desk and someone from our team will get back with you.

If you need this information in an alternate format, please contact EGLE-MiEHDWIS@Michigan.gov.


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