If you have a Third Party MILogin account and access to MiEHDWIS, and do official business with the same email/account on behalf of multiple water supplies, you already have the ability to upload data for any systems you oversee. You just need to choose the correct entity when creating a new work item.
If you do official business with a unique email/account on behalf of each water supply, you need to create an additional Third Party MILogin account for each supply, request access to MiEHDWIS, and then be approved by a MiEHDWIS System Administrator.
If you will be submitting documents on behalf of the water supply(ies) you oversee, you will need to request a certifier role for each supply.
Please note that you do NOT need certifier status to prepare documents – only to certify (“approve”) submitted documents and transition them to EGLE for review/processing.
Still need help? Submit a ticket to the MiEHDWIS Help Desk and someone from our team will get back with you.