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Purpose or Introduction


Check for Account Requests Received 

  1. Log into MiEHDWIS. 

  2. Click on Security, then Users

  3. Filter by Approved = No, Internal = Yes and Approved = No, Internal = No

  4. Sort by Last Accessed with the most recent date at the top. 

Account Request Received and Reviewed 

  1. Open the Eddy User Request List spreadsheet in Eddy System Administration Teams channel

  2. Compare the spreadsheet to the MiEHDWIS user list. 

  3. Copy and paste entire row of the account request into the spreadsheet. 

  4. Review request for warnings about missing information.  If Reason for Access is missing, no further action is needed

  5. Determine if the Reason for Access needs further explanation. If yes, send email. 

  6. Determine if the user requested correct type of account. If yes, send email. 

    1. MILogin for Third Party accounts are for local health department staff, engineering/consulting firm, certified operator, water supply owner, and those that use a work or business email and/or phone number. User ID will be last name, first initial, plus 4 numeric digits. 

    2. Citizen accounts are for those that associate a personal email and/or phone number with their work. User ID can be any format. 

  7. Once additional information is received and the account request is complete, review the request as follows for the specific program area:  

    1. Campground Owner/Operator 

    2. Contact Program Administrator (Sarah Rottiers) with details of account request.  

    3. Septage Hauler/Septage Waste Receiving Facility 

    4. Contact Program Administrator (Matt Rockhold) with details of account request. 

    5. Local Health Department (LHD) 

    6. Review Guide to Local Health Department Personnel. If requestor is listed, approve account request. If requestor is not listed, contact the Section Level Administrator (Susan Ramirez) or ask the Environmental Quality Analysts that cover that LHD. 

    7. Engineering/Consulting Firm 

    8. If requestor works with public water supplies only, they do not need a MiEHDWIS account yet. If requestors works with campgrounds, follow the Campground Owner/Operator instructions. 

    9. Drinking Water Certified Operator (CO) 

    10. Currently, COs do not need a MiEHDWIS account.  

  8. If Program Administrator approves request, approve account request. 

Account Approved 

A MiEHDWIS Administrator will Approve the User in System Maintenance.  

  1. Click Security, then Users

  2. Filter by Approved = No

  3. Click on Username

  4. Click Approve

  5. An email is automatically sent to the approved user. The text is static text that is managed in MiEHDWIS. Updates to this email text can be requested by contacting a system administrator. 

  • Hello, we received your request for a MiEHDWIS account. You have been granted access to MiEHDWIS. Check out our website at for tutorials and user tips and guides. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks! 

Example Reply Emails from the MiEHDWIS Email Account 

  • Thank you for your interest in a MiEHDWIS account. Your Reason for Access was <Copy of REASON>.  At this time, accounts are approved for those with affiliations to Drinking Water and Environmental Health regulated entities only. Please provide more information on which programs you interact with and why you need an account. MiEHDWIS is utilized for Drinking Water and Environmental Health program reporting and communication. For more information, please visit

  • Thank you for your request for a MiEHDWIS account. Your Reason for Access was “XXXX,” so I think you have requested access to the wrong system. MiEHDWIS is utilized for Drinking Water and Environmental Health programs. If you need assistance related to “XXXX,” please visit the following web link:

  • Thank you for your interest in a MiEHDWIS account. You listed your Reason for Access as: <Copy of REASON>.  I believe from your email address that you are asking for a professional’s account for submitting environmental data to EGLE. You will want to sign up with a Third Party MILogin account rather than the Citizen MILogin account. I apologize for the inconvenience. There are instructions on our MiEHDWIS website if you need assistance, or feel free to reach out to us. Also, we don’t yet have functionality that supports your programs. Could you please provide further detail? Are you a water operator for Noncommunity and or Community Water Supplies? If so, we will not be approving your Citizen’s account, but I’ll watch for your application as a Trusted Third Party and we’ll approve your account and notify you as soon as we add functionality that supports your program. 

  • Thank you for your interest in a MiEHDWIS account. Your Reason For Access was <Copy of REASON>.  At this time, accounts are approved for those with affiliations to Drinking Water and Environmental Health regulated entities only. Please provide more information on which programs you interact with and why you need an account. MiEHDWIS is utilized for Drinking Water and Environmental Health program reporting and communication. 

Who Should Register for a MiEHDWIS Account? 

  • Campground owners can upload applications and supporting documentation. 

  • Septage haulers can upload applications and supporting documentation. 

  • Public water supplies will have various features rolled out in early spring to late summer 2021. 

  • Swimming pool owners/operators will launch late summer 2021. 

  • Engineering contractors will have the ability to submit applications and communicate with DWEHD staff as program areas roll out. 

  • Local health department staff can upload various reports to the campground program and will have more functionality and improved communications with DWEHD staff as MiEHDWIS releases more functionality to other program areas. 

Email Signature Block 

Thank you. 


(Your Name) 


MiEHDWIS System Administrator 

Drinking Water and Environmental Health Division 

Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy  

To stay in the loop on MiEHDWIS news, subscribe to our GovDelivery list:  Subscription topic Drinking Water and Environmental Health > MiEHDWIS 

For assistance, contact the EGLE Environmental Assistance Center at 800-662-9278 


  1. Under System, go to Security, then Access Requests. 

  2. Request status should default to “pending.”

  3. Click on the REQ ID link (make sure it isn’t assigned to anyone).

  4. Make sure request is for a “Business MiLogin” account (formerly Third Party MiLogin), not for a Citizen MiLogin account.

    1. Worker Accounts:  Assign to Danielle.

  5. Verify that a MiEHDWIS account does not already exist for user.

    1. Copy last name.

    2. Click on Security, then Users.

    3. Paste last name and verify that an account does not already exist.

      1. If an account already exists, email user to find out if there is a business need for having another account (i.e. conducting business for two different entities using different email addresses) or if they need help getting into their established account.

  6. Go Back to Security, then Access Requests.

  7. Click on the Request ID of the account you would like to review.

  8. Review request for the Entity Type, Reason for Access, and Role Description.
    a. Determine if the Reason for Access needs further explanation. If yes, send email. 


WAIT! At this time, determine if the user is from a Local Health Department (LHD), an EH program (Campgrounds, Swimming Pools, Septage, or Water Hauler). If so, an additional step of linking or creating their contact is required before moving on to Step 9.

For CWS users, continue on to Step 9. They do not currently have contacts in MiEHDWIS.

  1. To approve or deny a request, click Transition and then choose Approve Request or Deny Request.

  2. To assign the request to another Security System Admin, click Assign and fill out the modal to reassign the request.


Still need help? Submit a ticket to the Internal MiEHDWIS Help Desk and someone from our team will get back with you.