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The CWS Construction Permit workflow supports adding you as a Reviewer if you are on the Review step with the Application Review or the Plan Review status.

  1. Click the Assign Assign button and assign the activity to yourself. T

  2. Then choose the Assign New Eng and then Transition to Add new Reviewer transition. This will add you as a Reviewer to the Contributor list in the Contacts drawer. Your name should display on the issued permits as both the Reviewer and the Issuer for the permits you approve.



Note that these steps do not remove any other Reviewer contributors. As the most recently added Reviewer, yours is the name that will be pulled into the Permit pdf. For the purposes of creating the permit file, it does not matter if there is more than one Reviewer. The current approved process is to manually tidy up and remove all the other contributors so that there is only one Reviewer and one Issuer in the drawer. 

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